Try WP Spell Check for Free

Get instant access to the latest version of WP Spell Check and audit your website

Download WP Spell Check to:

  • Spell check & grammar check the entire WordPress website quickly and make it error free. 
  • Find spelling mistakes on the whole website and fix spelling errors on various parts of our WordPress website
  • Optimize WordPress SEO and rank higher on Google 
  • Find and fix broken shortcodes and broken HTML code that are increasing your bounce rates and hurting your sales conversions
  • Monitor all the websites you manage as a WordPress Agency

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Frquenly Asked Questions..

How do I download WP Spell Check?

You can download WP Spell Check for free by clicking on the download link above. Follow the on-screen instructions to install it on your WordPress website. Alternatively, you can visit your WordPress backend, click on Plugins, and select Add New Plugin. In the search bar, look for WP Spell Check and install it on your website.

What features does the free version of WP Spell Check offer?

WP Spell Check enables comprehensive spell and grammar checking for your entire WordPress website. The Grammar scan only works with the Classic Editor Plugin. The base version provides numbers on the pages/posts that are missing meta data and the number of broken shortcodes. The pro version helps you find and fix broken shortcodes and HTML code, contributing to improved SEO.

How does WP Spell Check optimize SEO for my website?

The plugin performs a scan to find pages/posts that don't have meta titles and descriptions. Then, you can use the AI-backed feature to add SEO titles and descriptions with one click. (Pro version) Moreover, by identifying and fixing spelling errors, broken shortcodes, and HTML code, WP Spell Check contributes to a cleaner, error-free website, positively impacting your SEO and ranking.

Is WP Spell Check compatible with the latest version of WordPress?

Yes, WP Spell Check is compatible with the latest versions of WordPress. We regularly update the plugin to ensure seamless integration and performance.

Does WP Spell Check require any technical expertise to install and use?

WP Spell Check is user-friendly and can be installed by following the step-by-step guide provided on our website. No technical expertise is required. As a precautionary measure, it's advisable to maintain a backup of your website and data. This ensures that, in the rare event of any issues, you can easily restore your information without worry.

What if I have more questions?

Visit our Support Page for more comprehensive tutorials and articles.