Our plugin scans the content of your pages and posts and checks the content for various grammar and styling rules.
Once the scan is done, the results page will show the pages with associated number of errors/suggestions of each page.
You can then click on the View link to open the editor page and review the suggestions. Currently the grammar plugin works with the Classic WordPress editor.
Currently our grammar plugin is checking for the following:
- Complex Expression
- Hidden Verb
- Passive Voice
- Possessive Ending
- Redundant Expression
- Contractions
We incorporated a few open sources libraries in our grammar plugin and we are working on adding new rules to our grammar library. If you have any suggestions for us, please go ahead with a support ticket.
Yes. We are working on updating the entire plugin . The grammar plugin will be updated as well.
Currently our grammar check plugin does not check for punctuation, but adding this feature is on our future development list.